
Wednesday, 4 February 2015

I'M Back

Oops!!! Its been a year since I last blogged and I hang my head in shame, I have been Slack. But in my defence a lot has changed for me over the last 12 months.

The first thing is that I went back to work after 10 years of bringing up my 2 beautiful and testing children. I took on a job at a company called that was customer services based, something that I had done previous to having children. I have to say it was a shock to the system going back to work again especially with a 5 and 10 year old to run around after and all the usual MUM things that I still had to do. But it felt good to be earning a wage and getting some adult conversation that didn't involve Nappies, school runs and the latest toy that the kids wanted.

One of the first things I did was make a cushion for my office chair, to add a little bit of to my new office job. I did a lot of training and the company has steadily grow over the last 10 months.

And then at the beginning of this year my role with in the company has changed. I have an official job title that sounds really posh.....are you ready........Social Media executive.............yes, go on say it, jammy , my job is to spend all day on Facebook, Twitter, Google plus and Pinterest and get paid for great is that. To be fair there is a little bit more to it than that, I have targets and stuff and I have had to learn things about Anchor text and https and Utm's and more.....which for someone who is a techno phob and is a little bit allergic to the internet is quite ironic.

So as I am learning all these things for work it will of course be a great benefit for and seeing as I have to Blog for Wood Finishes Direct it would be wrong for me to leave Poppykins Blog behind.

So that is why I have been away for so long and I hope you will look forward to lots of new Blogs all about Fabric, sewing and the continuing journey of Poppykins.

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